La Brioche

Tried out this recipe on the back of the packet of yeast that I bought from the supermarket. The recipe is really easy and I did a twist on it because I wanted it to be healthier. My brioche turned out a little too crumbly and I'm not sure why. But the taste was really quite good and it was moist. I prefer eating bread without preservatives in them too so this was a good start to baking breads. :)

250g plain flour
11g   dried yeast
6 teaspoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
6 teaspoons milk
2 eggs
50g butter

For my twist, I used 125g plain flour and 125g of wholemeal flour. I also added 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds.

Note: All ingredients must be at room temperature.

  1. Mix the flour, yeast, sugar and salt with the eggs
  2. Add in the butter and slowly add in the butter
  3. Mix well and then knead it for 15 minutes (I just left it to my mixer to do the work)
  4. Leave it to rest for an hour and it should look like below.
  5. Punch in the middle and knead the dough a little more before shaping it and placing it in an oiled baking tin and let it rise till it's double its size
  6. Preheat your oven to 200 dec C and once it's hot, turn your oven down to 180 deg C and bake your bread for 30 minutes or until the middle of the loaf is thoroughly cooked.

I sliced my brioche like normal bread and I even stored the slices in an old bread plastic bag. As mentioned at the beginning of my post, it was a little too crumbly and it is probably because I was a little lazy and didn't measure exactly 50g of butter but I guess that if you stuck to the recipe, it would turn out perfect.
